The company mission

Offering to the customers high quality products, with technologically advanced solutions for any civil and industrial kind of heating application, with any kind of fuel.
Incrementing the market share to ensure enough revenues to afford a constant policy of continuos products improvement.
Offering to the customers products and services oriented to the best boiler-heating system coupling with the aim of minimizing fuel consumption and getting the best overall system performances.
Ensuring an effective pre and post selling assistance service for the whole range of products, especially for those intended to be installed in complex heating environments.
With its Systems and Services Department, offering any technical support for an integrated system/product projecting and realization.


  • Arca_SirGio_professional-copia.jpg
  • FTV.jpg
    Wall-hung gas boilers
  • PIXEL MX-2.jpg
    Wall-hung gas boilers
  • ita-thumb6050.jpg
    Wall-hung gas boilers
  • Caldaie a legna e pellet di Arca Caldaie.JPG
    Wood/pellet boilers
  • Airpellet1.JPG
    Pellet stoves
  • Generatore a pellet1.JPG
    Hot air generators pellet
  • Caldaia in acciaio di Arca Caldaie.jpg
    Steel boilers
  • Split Aeternum 2.JPG
    Climatizzazione-Pompe di Calore
  • Icona-Pannelli solari.JPG
    Solar Energy Systems
  • Icona pavimento.JPG
    Floor heating
  • bolli2.JPG
    Storage tanks
    hydraulic kits
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